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What is the cost of unhealthy lifestyles in Manitoba?

Two Reports:

Making the case for primary prevention.

The economic benefits of risk factor reduction in Manitoba.

cover unhealthy lifestyles Manitoba

Krueger H. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba. September 2010. Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. CancerCare Manitoba. Health in Common. 

risk factor reduction in Manitoba

Krueger H. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba. October 2013. Alliance for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. CancerCare Manitoba. Health in Common.

In 2010, H Krueger & Associates Inc. completed a report for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba and other partners in prevention. We produced an update of our research in 2013.

We found that obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking will cost Manitoba taxpayers $4.7 billion in increased health care expenditures and lost productivity by 2026.

The Cost Savings if Manitoba Reduced Unhealthy Lifestyles

unhealthy lifestyles ManitobaThe findings suggested that just a 1% annual reduction in risk factors, starting in 2011 and using a sample investment of $529 million, would result in nearly $1.8 billion saved on direct and indirect costs. In other words, if Manitoba spent $529 million on an initiative to reduce unhealthy lifestyles, the government would see a greater than 3-to-1 return on investment if residents lowered their risk factors by just 1%.

Data that Informs Complex Decisions in Healthcare

Our innovative economic model provided solid economic data on the long-term economic burden associated with these risk factors in Manitoba. This is important evidence for investment in primary prevention activities at the provincial, regional, and local levels.

Media Response to our Research

Winnipeg Health Region

Prescription for Prevention