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Tag Archives for " Obesity "

What should we do about the economic burden of excess weight?

Dr Hans Krueger wrote this editorial for Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, an online scientific journal published by the Public Health Agency of Canada. Editorial: The Weight

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Have there been improvements in the health related sustainable development goals?

This analysis of 33 health related sustainable development goals was based on the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Study 2015. Dr. Krueger was one of the collaborators on this

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Four cancer risk factors cause 47,000 cases of cancer per year in Canada.

The four cancer risk factors we investigated in this study were tobacco smoking, alcohol use, excess weight and physical inactivity. These risk factors are connected to lifestyle choices and are all preventable.

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What if everyone was as healthy as British Columbians?

Our research showed that BC was the healthiest province in Canada. It had the lowest prevalence of tobacco smoking, excess weight and physical inactivity. What if residents of the other provinces were

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What should we do about smoking and obesity?

This book on smoking and obesity was based on a project H Krueger and Associates Inc. completed for the BC Healthy Living Alliance. Despite significant progress due to public health

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