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Tag Archives for " Economic Benefits "

The Economic Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Dr Krueger and his team of researchers completed a careful analysis of fruit and vegetable consumption patterns of Canadians between 2000 and 2013 and estimated the economic burden associated with low

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What is the cost of unhealthy lifestyles in British Columbia?

The economic benefits of risk factor reduction in British Columbia: excess weight, physical inactivity and tobacco smoking. ​ ​Krueger H, Rasali D, Pennock M, Gustin S. Provincial Health

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What are the benefits of risk factor reduction in Canada?

The economic benefits of risk factor reduction in Canada: tobacco smoking, excess weight and physical inactivity. ​Krueger H, Turner D, Krueger J, Ready AE. Canadian Journal of Public Health

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What is the economic burden of risk factors in Manitoba?

Improved estimation of the health and economic burden of chronic disease risk factors in Manitoba. ​ ​Krueger H, Williams D, Ready AE, Trenaman L, Turner D. Chronic Diseases and Injuries

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At what age should screening for cervical cancer start?

What is the most appropriate age to start screening women for cervical cancer? ​Krueger H, Kwon J, Sadownik LA, Ogilivie G, Martin RE. British Columbia Medical Journal. Vol. 55, No.

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Would improvements to stroke care save Canada money?

Cost avoidance associated with optimal stroke care in Canada. ​Krueger H, Lindsay P, Cote R, Kapral M, Kaczorowski J, Hill M. Stroke. 2012, 43: 2198-2206 Access the Journal Article. What

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