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Would improvements to stroke care save Canada money?

Cost avoidance associated with optimal stroke care in Canada.

cover stroke care

Krueger H, Lindsay P, Cote R, Kapral M, Kaczorowski J, Hill M. Stroke. 2012, 43: 2198-2206

What are the health and economic benefits of implementing optimal stroke care in Canada? H Krueger & Associates Inc. completed this project for the Canadian Stroke Network.

stroke careBenefits of Optimal Stroke Care

Comprehensive and optimal stroke care in Canada would decrease the number of annual stroke-related hospital episodes by 3.3%. In addition, it would reduce the number of acute care days by 25.9% and the number of residential care days by 12.8%.  The number of deaths in hospital would drop by 14.9%.

Annual Cost Avoidance

The estimated total avoidance of costs was $682 million annually.