Cost avoidance associated with optimal stroke care in Canada.

Krueger H, Lindsay P, Cote R, Kapral M, Kaczorowski J, Hill M. Stroke. 2012, 43: 2198-2206
Krueger H, Lindsay P, Cote R, Kapral M, Kaczorowski J, Hill M. Stroke. 2012, 43: 2198-2206
What are the health and economic benefits of implementing optimal stroke care in Canada? H Krueger & Associates Inc. completed this project for the Canadian Stroke Network.
Comprehensive and optimal stroke care in Canada would decrease the number of annual stroke-related hospital episodes by 3.3%. In addition, it would reduce the number of acute care days by 25.9% and the number of residential care days by 12.8%. The number of deaths in hospital would drop by 14.9%.
The estimated total avoidance of costs was $682 million annually.
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