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What do we know about community based prevention?

Community Based Prevention: Reducing the Risk of Cancer and Chronic Disease.

unhealthy lifestyles bc

McLean D, Williams D, Lamont S, Krueger H. University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division © 2013 World Rights. 232 Pages.

The book, Community-based Prevention: Reducing the Risk of Cancer and Chronic Disease, presents a promising new approach to educating, engaging, empowering, and generating action within communities.

Dr Hans Krueger and his colleagues reviewed representative global experiences with community based prevention educators, focusing on the prevention coordination work that can be accomplished within geographical areas ranging from local communities to broader regions.

Elements of Successful Community Based Prevention

community based preventionAmong the findings revealed in this book are the fundamental elements of successful community based prevention programs: skilled staff, high-quality evaluation, and sustained investment in prevention efforts.

As communities, governments, and health organizations worldwide struggle to avoid being swamped by health care costs – not to mention the impact of suffering and poor quality of life – the only long-term, sustainable hope must be based on prevention efforts.