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What are the benefits of investing in appropriate diabetes care?

The Benefits of Investing in Appropriate Diabetes Care: Adherence to Clinical Procedures for Type 2 Diabetes Positively Affects Health Care Utilization

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Krueger, H.  2008. VDM Verlag. Saarbrucken, Germany.

Diabetes is a common and serious chronic condition. If diabetes care is not well-managed by primary care physicians, significant multi-system complications often arise for patients. This results in increased acute care utilization and poor health outcomes.

The book, The Benefits of Investing in Appropriate Diabetes Care, was based on Dr Krueger’s PhD dissertation.

Lack of Proper Diabetes Care

Dr Krueger started with a review of the evidence that people with diagnosed diabetes often do not receive the recommended care. For example, this would include regular visits to a primary care physician, blood sugar testing and vision screening.

He then examined the relationship between long-term adherence to clinical care guidelines and health care utilization.

Appropriate Diabetes Care Reduced Acute Care Costs

diabetes carePatients with higher long-term adherence visited their doctor more often but spent less time in hospital.

Dr Krueger concluded that long-term adherence could result in the avoidance of $4 in acute care costs for every additional $1 spent on physician costs.